News & Events



Our Happy Martiners learning the sound of the language as they participate in rhyme time.

Our Happy Martiners learning the sound of the language as they participate in rhyme time.


    hand eye coordination activity

    We at Little Martiners believe in learning by engaging in fun activities, so here our little minds are at work learning the skills of tearing and pasting which not only strengthens the muscles of the fingers and the whole hand but develops fine motor control which is necessary for learning to write It improves eye-hand coordination.


      Learning skills of origami activity

      Little Martiners learning the skills of origami which excites modalities of learning. It has been shown to improve spatial visualization skills using hands-on learning.


        activities for kids

        Our little Martiners not only enjoying with water but exercising in the finest ways to develop and strengthen their gross and fine motor skills through water play activity.


          Healthy eating is a way of life

          Healthy eating is a way of life, so it’s important to establish routines and healthy eating habits.So our Martiners are back to school after the vacations and are enjoying the healthy scrumptious meals made in utmost hygienic conditions.

            "If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people. ~ Virginia Woolf "